Anime Cubed

Village Lookup
BroadCast Village
-The Village Hidden in TV Stations -
The slightest thought of this Village
sends you quaking in fear!
Village Leader: Narutokun2
Number of Ninja: 48
Ahnk, aikyu, Alienboy, Arathea, Babliski, Batou, BBR, Blek, Buretsu, Channel28, chaosmagez, Chromatic, Daeomyn, Erideth, FairyGuy, Ginyu, HaRaM08, hex, Holly Daye, Inukotsu, KaijuGamer, Kamui, L33TFries, Lethe, Mandom, matta, mebraggart, Michi, Misata, Mitillos, Nijiro, Ninja Andy, Partpalc, PieColin, Raxxis, Ri Betani, RJL333, Rook, Saien, SnovieChan, Souleman X, Tabrias, Thewho, UchObito, Vikenx, yshysh, Zazabooze
Number of Upgrades: 188
War Status: Days Peaceful: 1253
Recruitment Status: Not Recruiting

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